“Being a sponsor humbles me. It takes my eyes off myself for a moment and allows me to do what I can to help anothers life journey, even if its a small portion, it’s a chance to be bigger than myself. ” -Breann

Sponsorship: Marie Ange IGIHOZO
Zachary Van Brunt Zachary Van Brunt

Sponsorship: Marie Ange IGIHOZO

In 2021 my husband and I went on our first missions trip to Rwanda, Africa. One of the outreaches we did was visit the CMP school, where I met the sweets little girl. When we arrived all the kids greeted us and walked us to the school. Once we made it to the class room all the children took their seats. One child at the back of the room stood out to me and I knew I was to sponsor her. Marie was only 5 years old and her smile was the most contagious. Little did I know the Lord would allow us to return in 2022 and we would get to see our sweet sponsor child again. When we got to the school we were greeted by many from the village including some of the teams sponsor children. Marie came up and I hardly recognized her she had grown so much just in the year since we had been there. All our sponsor kids went with us to distribute clothes and shoes. While we were distributed there was a little girl in the cutest little ladybug out fit and she kept catching my attention. I decided to ask if she had a sponsor and they said no. So my husband and I wanted to sponsor Marie as well as Kevin. After we handed out clothes and shoes to the people of the village and played a balloon game with the kids we went back to the school with the students and got to spend time with our sponsor kids. It then came to my knowledge that Kevin and Marie were sisters. What were the odds that out of a village full of children that I would pick Marie’s little sisters. They dismissed the students for the day and Kevin and Marie left but to my surprise they came back and I got to meet their mom and baby sister. Their mom was so kind and Prayed over us. It was truly an amazing experience. I’m so grateful to be apart of this amazing family. God is so good!

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Kevin Agashami
Zachary Van Brunt Zachary Van Brunt

Kevin Agashami

There was a little boy that I noticed that was limping and couldn’t keep up with the other children. He had been burned by boiling water and was in a lot of pain. We found out that he did not have a sponsor and I told them I would like to sponsor him and pay what was needed to get him to the doctor.

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